The flock of birds - the definite agile team

Sunday, July 31, 2011

In each winter, flock of birds fly to tropical regions thousands of miles away and return later. You can learn a lot from nature. The software developers, specifically agile teams have adapted lot of the features of these flock of birds. Here are few of those points widely adapted by agile software teams.

Flock of Birds: Long term mission of reaching the destiny
Software development team: Delivery of software is ultimate goal

Flock of Birds: There is one clear visionary/leader at any time
Software development team: Software team need a leader/coach/mentor

Flock of Birds: Fly as a team
Software development team: Software development as a team

Flock of Birds: Form the most efficient and effective shape for fly as a team
Software development team: Efficient and industrially proved methodology

Flock of Birds: Each bird in the flock get support thrust from those before it
Software development team: Collaboration and support from seniors

Flock of Birds: Leadership and position change in terms
Software development team: Every one get different roles in the team at different time and no one get burn out. Every one get a chance to take leadership and /or play relaxing roles at a time

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Supun said...

Really interesting and nicely presented.



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